Ta Moko

Ta Moko is the application of traditional Maori tattoo. Since it's revival from near extinction in the early 20th century, Tikanga (protocols) surrounding Ta Moko have changed. Traditionally applied using Uhi (chisels) Moko is now largely done using tattoo machines. Maori have always been quick to adapt to new technology; when steel tools became available in the 19th century, some of the most detailed Whakairo (carving) was produced. The same with Moko, the designs we use today have evolved from those of our ancestors and will continue to do so for generations to come.

Done by Fern Ngatai

What does contemporary Moko represent for the wearer?

Ta Moko has always been a visual interpretation of the wearer's Whakapapa (genealogy). Nowadays, people might have designs to represent family members, Kaitiaki (spiritual guardian) and milestones. For many Maori, Ta Moko is a way of expressing and connecting to their cultural identity. For non-Maori, the patterns can also represent family and tell a story of the wearers life and personality but they don't have the same connection to whakapapa as they do for Maori.

Who is allowed to wear Moko?

Being a practice so deeply rooted in Maori history and culture, Ta Moko must be approached respectfully, whether by Maori or Non-Maori. Anyone who is passionate about connecting with and immersing themselves in Maori culture should be able to wear a Moko. If someone is worried about cultural appropriation, it is always helpful to seek the advice of a Ta Moko artist so they can explain the significance of wearing traditional Maori patterns.

Done by Fern Ngatai

What is the Difference between Ta Moko and Kirituhi?

Ta Moko is seen by some as being a practice reserved for Maori only. After the revival of Maori tattooing there was more interest in the art form by Non-Maori and the term 'Kirituhi' was coined by Ta Moko artists. Kirituhi translates to 'skin art' and was a way of allowing non-Maori to wear traditional Maori patterns without the issue of cultural appropriation. Many artists still use the term Kirituhi when tattooing non-Maori recipients. Kirituhi, however has allowed non-Maori tattooers all over the world to imitate traditional Maori tattooing, using the label Kirituhi so as not to cause offence. Some Ta Moko artists maintain that traditional Maori Tattooing, whether done on Maori or non-Maori is Ta Moko. This way the art form holds its Mana or power and validity. It is up to the recipient of Ta Moko to uphold the Mana of the patterns they wear.

Each Ta Moko artist will have their own view on the Ta Moko/Kirituhi debate and practice each or both at their discretion.